Have you always wanted to capture winter in the most magical way, but find that it never quite turns out as you envisioned? These tips might help you. Our editor and photographer Liselotte shares her top 3 tips to elevate your photography skills!
Many people believe that you can only take cool photos with a professional camera. But that's not true at all. Especially now that the camera quality of mobile phones is improving, each of us can capture a breathtaking photo. So, grab your phone on your next nature walk and get started with photography!
Getting up early pays off
Winter mornings often have a magical atmosphere. Think, for example, of the mist or morning dew combined with the rising sun. Or, if we choose a real winter day: the fresh snow lying on the ground without any footprints yet, coloring the trees white. There are so many different moments to capture a winter scene! A shot in the early morning creates a serene atmosphere in your photo!

Utilize reflections
This time of year often means rainy days. This can result in puddles on the streets or in the woods in many places. This provides you with an excellent opportunity to make use of these reflections. When you're too close to a puddle, you often see little of this reflection. Therefore, move around a puddle to see from which angle a beautiful reflection is visible. Try this out in the middle of the city, where, for example, the spire of a church can be seen in a puddle, or in a forest where the reflection of tall trees is visible.

Choose the right perspective
Many people quickly opt for convenience and therefore choose to take a photo at eye level. However, when you choose a different perspective, such as crouching down or taking a close-up shot, you capture unique photos. But it's not just about that. Choosing a different perspective allows you to see the environment around you from a completely different angle, leading to surprising insights.

By the way, post-processing is also a tool to truly enchant your photo! Adjust the white balance, increase contrast for more depth, and play with the color tones to see how you can transform the photo to your liking! However, be careful with post-processing, as the photo should still maintain a natural look.
I say: put on your shoes and jacket, wrap a scarf around, grab your camera or phone, and start shooting! Good luck!